Ryde Rowing Club Annual Regatta – Saturday 21st May 2016. Regatta Raffle.

Re:  Ryde Rowing Club Annual Regatta – Saturday 21st May 2016. Regatta Raffle.                                             

As you will all know our regatta is the main fundraising event for year and is very valuable to us as a club.  To maximise the amount we raise this year the committee would like to hold a raffle at it and have asked me to collect prizes.  If you have any new unwanted gifts, chocolates or alcohol and would like to donate them, you are welcome to give them to Joe at training on Mondays, Tuesdays or Saturdays, pass them to another member of the committee or leave them in the rowing club kitchen when it is open.  Alternatively if you e-mail me at bloatleylodge@gmail.com I am happy to collect them.  If we get lots of prizes we may well put some together and make up gift hampers or decide to do an 'up market' tombola.  

I have also been contacting a few businesses in Ryde to ask for donations, so if you know of anyone that would be willing to donate something or perhaps a voucher from a pub or restaurant etc, feel free to print off or e-mail them a copy of the attached letter.  All my contact details our on this letter.

Thanks for your help

Chris Groves

RRC Committee.

The view from the Bar.

During a recent party at the club a  number of members from  the 1960's were reminiscing,

One had been the Bar manager back then and he commented on the price of the beer these  days.

He said in his day Beer was 2/6( 2 & 6)  12.5 np ( new pence)  in todays' money.

Some Members thought this was extortion and the club did what it could to reduce the price. The brewery rep was summoned and he advised the if more beer was consumed  the price could be reduced. In true RRC fashion members rose to the challenge and more beer was consumed and the price reduced to 2 shillings - 10 np  so happiness was restored.  To contextualize this a skilled man or woman earning more than a few pounds a week  would have had a very good job indeed.

Steve Dear.

Ryde R. C. Presentation to IW Youth Trust.

Press Release. Ryde R. C. Presentation to IW Youth Trust.

Sponsors, supporters and helpers of Ryde Rowing Club were entertained at an informal gathering at their Clubhouse on Friday evening (22ndth January) to thank them for their support during the last year.

After a welcome and thanks from Club Captain Peter Allsopp, and a short presentation on the clubs activities and successes in 2015 - which included South Coast Championship open wins the Men's Novice Four, Single Sculls and Coastal Junior Pair - a presentation was made to Angela Clark - for her volunteer work at the Club. A presentation was also made to Felicity Radak, a Fundraiser with Isle of Wight Youth Trust, who - working in conjunction with Wightlink - were the Clubs nominated charity in 2015. 

Following various fund raising activities -  the club was able to hand over a cheque for £500 to the Isle of Wight Youth Trust who ara charitable independent and professional organisation offering counselling, advice, information and support services to young people under 25 on the Isle of Wight and, in some cases their parents or carers. 

Welcome to the new improved RRC Web Site.

Welcome to the New improved Ryde Rowing Club Web site – www.ryderowingclub.co.uk

Which can also be found at www.ryderc.org

The site includes a host of information on the Club and its activities and easy ways to enquire about membership, the annual regatta and Clubhouse hire.

There is also information on the Clubs Rowing activities, its history, round the Island Rowing, safety and our Club branded kit plus you can access Club management information including the list of officers and appointments and the Club Rules and Codes of practice. There are Calendars showing Club events and racing fixtures and links to other interesting rowing web sites plus a Blog – where you will be able to keep track of the Clubs activities and results. 

Over the next few months the site will be developed and expanded to include more information about the Club.

We must thank former RRC rower, Jason Salkeld, who in spite of leaving the Island many years ago developed the Clubs first web site and has maintained it for more than eighteen years. We should also acknowledge the work of Matt Bull in developing the new site.

We hope you find the new web site helpful and informative and welcome your constructive criticism and suggestion for improvement but please bear in mind that the site is still being developed.

Steve Bull.

Ryde R. C.

January, 2016